

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bryce pulling himself up :)

He is getting bigger by the minute!  All Bryce wants to do now is stand.  He still can't sit up by himself from lying down (so we sit him up) but he is almost there.  Everytime he wakes up in the morning or from his naps, this is what he does.... he thinks he's hot stuff!  (p.s. we finally got him his bumper for the crib... so no more "blanket bumper")

He's so proud of himself

Then he fell down and bumped his head


  1. I am laughing/crying at this entire post. 1. I can't believe how big he is getting. 2. His face standing in that crib is priceless. 3. I'm laughing so hard at the last picture. PS You sound like your Mom when you're talking in the video! Love you :)

  2. What a total stud muffin! I'm kind of sad that he's going to be so big the next time we see him!

  3. Kendall!! I am sooo glad that you commented on my blog!! How did I not have your blog address???
    Anyways, Bryce is such a cutie!!! I loved reading all of your updates and adventures in Spain up until now. What an exciting time!! Your little place is so cute!! It really doesn't seem bad at all! We don't have a dishwasher at our place so we are in the same boat.
    I hope all is well with you and your cute little family!! I can not believe that Bryce is 8 months and that you have a professional athlete in your family!!
    I look forward to the updates! Miss you!

  4. Happy 9 Month Birthday Bryce! Your pictures are adorable and I can see that you are growing so fast. We'll hardly recognize you when May rolls around. Kendall, I love reading your blog and hearing about what your little family is up to. It is nice to know that you have settled in and are even interested in learning Spanish. I suppose I would as well if I had to sit through three hours of church in Spanish. I greatly admire your willingness to travel to a far away country and immerse yourself in a new culture. Hooray for you! Love, Aunt Rebecca
